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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Kids today are not what they used to be

It was another fine day and some of us had gathered for a session on Google Adwords at our college, Aurora’s Business School. Our mentor Mr.Gunaranjan had arranged for the session and we were waiting for this gentleman from Google to arrive. As the session began, we began to discuss on how marketing has evolved, right from A to Z…..but we stopped at ‘V’-V for Viral Marketing and then slowly drifted to our main topic for the day. Now, almost 100 words into the article, you must be wondering – how does this relate to the title that I have given ? And there is also a possibility that u must have looked up at the title once again :D .
Sometime in between the session, sometime when we were introducing ourselves to the guest lecturer, we also had to tell him what we wanted to be when we were 8 years old. So, everybody in the room recollected, rephrased and explained what they wanted to be, right from an air force officer to an adventurer like Bear Grylls ( he is also a survival expert and that is how we know him ). Then this guest lecturer ( I am sorry I don’t remember his name – lets call him Mr.A for the time being) told us something that he had experienced in the train, around 8 hours back on his way to Hyderabad.
He met this little kid who was 8 years old and he was busy playing some game in his dad’s mobile phone. Mr.A had already interacted with this kid during the journey and they became friends. Casually, Mr.A asked him , “ What do you want to be when you grow up “ . The answer was something unexpected especially from an 8 year old kid.  He said that he wanted to be an “Application developer for mobile phones” . Something that is way too different from the typical – engineer , doctor, astronaut, pilot kind of careers that we wanted to get into during our childhood. A total paradigm shift. 

Yes, kids today are a lot more bolder and are taking decisions which is clearly evident from the talent shows that are being broadcast on TV.  Ready to take on the world. You must be wondering now, why does this end with out a proper tail ..what is new in it? Well it doesn’t . It was something I wanted to write and you read it J .

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