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Sunday, June 27, 2010


To a considerable extent, there is nothing else that can make a human being go berserk and crazy than a little mosquito, sitting on a mosquito repellent, staring back at you, probably saying- “Hey buddy! Whats up? Dont worry about me, Im used to this, Ill be fine. Just make sure that when Im tired, you ought to be ready with a toast for me.Jurassic Park taught us that mosquitoes have been around for 100 million years. In that time they have diversified into 3,000 species that are very different from one another.
Just like so many other terrorists groups these little terrorists have somehow found a way out to breach enemy lines. Come nightfall and these hungry beasts are out hunting for blood. Man has many secret organizations planning out distinct projects to protect the world so why isn’t it possible that these little musketeers have a secret organization too, to protect themselves ? And even if we found out their bunkers, we wouldn’t gain much from it for the secret to their “impregnable minds” lies within them. But, one cannot take Science for granted and it is possible that in the near future there may be a translation device that will unravel some sense of what these insects buzz in our ears.
As the saying goes –“In the spider-web of facts, many a truth is strangled”, the media too is going to get a chance to be part of this hula-hula and we might find ourselves fortunate enough to pick up a newspaper screaming out the headlines – United States of Aedes* agree to sign a nuke deal with Anopheles* Africaor “Breeders from the Sagar take over the Amazon Maoists “ . Interviews , communities , celebrity makeovers are yet to follow. In the coming years there could be an Oscar awarded to a movie titled “ The curse of the Vectors” and I’d rather be on the safe side by not naming the lead actors playing the Vectors(The female mosquito).
Having given them the title of Terrorists we dont mind buying a pack of repellent but we are still the “Aam aadmi” unaware of the consequences. They kill beneficial insects, attract mosquitoes but don't kill them. You can spray. It will give you relief from mosquitoes - for two hours. But it will kill every butterfly, ladybug, preying mantis, and earthworm too! Gosh we dont even mind getting into a smoky and foggy affair to get rid of them. Gone are those days when the battle would be won as soon as the king died in the war ,but things are different this time around .What else can we do as every other mosquito looks like Osama and who knows he might have been under the knife to get a plastic surgery and look like a beetle and run away unnoticed.
Well whatever time may take them but there will be a time when a baby mosquito will come back after its 1st fight. On being asked by his dad, “How does it feel?”
It would replay, “Dad it was wonderful, everyone was clapping for me”

t they deserve a Nobel peace prize, at least all the nations should come together to fight them, though it might be for a single day .